Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I'm in my last 24 hours of having hair.
Obviously, it's gonna grow back.
But not for a while -sobs-

I will definitely miss my hair. There's a lot I love about it. I love how wavy it is. I love its red undertones. I love the way it floofs up after showering. I love how it looks with French braids
I love my widow's peak. I love my cowlick. I love my weird little wispy hairs, and I love my lil sideburns. I love the way my hair frames my face. I love how it looks with headbands. I think my hair matches my personality. It's very Me.

I've only had my current haircut since the beginning of summer; before that, my hair has always been very long. Or at least medium length.

I love how my hair attributes to my sense of beauty.
But what if there's more than that to self-beauty?
All my life, I've relied upon my hair to look pretty. I don't wear makeup. I only wore it a little bit in high school. My hair is the only thing I can count on to make me look good. A bad hair day is equivalent to a bad day. A good hair day means I have confidence. I can walk out the door knowing I look good.
So you must be thinking how dumb it is for me to take that away from myself. I'm thinking that too, to be honest lol.
What I hope to get out of this project... is a sense of beauty that's deeper than the hair on my head. How will I see my beauty without my hair? That is a question I genuinely hope to answer in the time coming.