Sunday, October 5, 2014

day 5 aka im so bad at consistency

My coworker yesterday thought I was supporting a cancer awareness cause, and another acquaintance thought that I actually had cancer.
I'm doing this thing where after people I know comment on my hair, I ask them their first impressions, to get a clear, well-rounded view on people's assumptions.
I wore a headband all this weekend, I thought it looked nice.
Maybe it's just my imagination, but it feels like people are looking at me longer nowadays.

Friday, October 3, 2014

day 2

here's a floating head
It's not much but I forgot that I'm supposed to do this daily lol and I was about to go to bed when I was like "oh right"

I was a poopy wuss and kept my hat on all throughout journalism, and even in the cafe, even though I sat with a friend who knew about the project.

My roommate pointed out that the more I wear hats, the more people will actually assume I have cancer. When I wear it proud, people will assume it was a hairstyle choice--which it definitely was. But if I make attempts to hide it, it won't seem as voluntary.

I'm still deciding what I'd rather do.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The Rapture: PART 1

Took my last shower with a full head of hair about 2 hours ago.

I'm in my last class of the day, and then I'm headin' over to a friend's house and I'm gonna go full on Natalie Portman.

I'll be filming the whole thing and I'll post it when I get home!!

I'm gonna miss the feeling of someone braiding my hair...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I'm in my last 24 hours of having hair.
Obviously, it's gonna grow back.
But not for a while -sobs-

I will definitely miss my hair. There's a lot I love about it. I love how wavy it is. I love its red undertones. I love the way it floofs up after showering. I love how it looks with French braids
I love my widow's peak. I love my cowlick. I love my weird little wispy hairs, and I love my lil sideburns. I love the way my hair frames my face. I love how it looks with headbands. I think my hair matches my personality. It's very Me.

I've only had my current haircut since the beginning of summer; before that, my hair has always been very long. Or at least medium length.

I love how my hair attributes to my sense of beauty.
But what if there's more than that to self-beauty?
All my life, I've relied upon my hair to look pretty. I don't wear makeup. I only wore it a little bit in high school. My hair is the only thing I can count on to make me look good. A bad hair day is equivalent to a bad day. A good hair day means I have confidence. I can walk out the door knowing I look good.
So you must be thinking how dumb it is for me to take that away from myself. I'm thinking that too, to be honest lol.
What I hope to get out of this project... is a sense of beauty that's deeper than the hair on my head. How will I see my beauty without my hair? That is a question I genuinely hope to answer in the time coming.